Christmas Time for Mommas

Christmas time for Mommas,

      Oh what bless-ed joy,

Running from store to store,

      To find the perfect toy.


The one your child wants,

      That’s bigger than your fridge,

But when you tried to change her mind,

      She wouldn’t budge a smidge.


Mommas must be perfect,

      For Santa never fails,

It’s up to us to keep Christmas,

      from going off the rails.


But what about the Daddy’s?

      You ask a bit surprised,

Bless the daddy’s hearts,

      They could never realize;


The stress the mommas face,

      That brings us to our knees,

The stakes are really high,

      and we always aim to please.


The momma’s list is long

      and never quite complete,

With kids, parents, in-laws,

      and his crazy cousin Pete.


Don’t forget the mailman,

      Your children’s teachers too,

Add coaches, neighbors, tutors,

      Just to name a few.


This poem has me tired,

      The season even more,

Remind me once again,

      What do we do it for?

Of course, we love our kids,

      But that’s not the reason why.

Oh yeah, it’s for the baby,

      The one who came to die.


The one who took our sin,

      And washed us white as snow,

For a moment I forgot,

      I was distracted so.


 Oh, dear mommas please,

      It shouldn’t be a race,

Try to slow down a bit,

      And give yourself some grace.


Shift your focus off of,

      Getting the perfect toy,

And instead look to Him

      for all your comfort and Joy.


Yes, this time is crazy,

      and this world is crazy too,

But a baby came to live on Earth,

      So God could love on you.


Open up your Bible,

      and read it with your kids,

About the birth of Jesus,

      and all the things he did.


The most important thing,

      to give our kids this year,

Is a tiny glimpse of God,

      And how He holds them dear.


So take a deep breath in,

      and hang on for the ride,

Because stress will disappear,

      With Him by your side.


Listen well to God and

      What he has to say,

And I promise you, you’ll have,

      A very Merry Christmas Day!


Time Management


Mental Prep for the Holidays